
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


exileguy impersonator performs live in Birmingham

Jamie Delmo of Birmingham, AL, has been busking and claiming to be exileguy of Radio Free Exile obscurity.

Using an ipod rigged to a boom box, this ersatz exileguy has been lip-synching to the podcast and collecting tips.
Now, I know that this sounds absurd, and I know that I'm a little nuts, and I imagine that anyone who frequents any of my sites would be a bit crazy. But, the email I received from Jamie, and his attached photo, shaky hand and all, fuck, why not believe it. Whatever, you know? I just thought that it would be a funny post, to pass this on. So, this is it.

I guess its pretty cool that someone in Birmingham would go over the edge like this. At least he's not eating babies, I'm hoping. And if he is making a little dough, hey, its not like I want royalties. But as I'm writing this I'm thinking what if it is really happening, I'd like to see it.
Even though I know that this is all crap from some maniac with a bit of time on his hands, who gets a kick out of my stuff, and is taking a little time to screw with my head. All well and good, cause its funny to me. It's a real gas. Great.

But -

If there is anyone else from that area who happens on this blog, I'd like to hear from you. He performs daily on 24th street in the downtown area. Check it out. Is this an area where busking goes on? I find the whole thing sort of intriguing, in a crazy-as-batshit stalker up my ass kind of way.

And Jamie, if this is all bullshit, you did it well, really well, sorry I didn't print your whole email, maybe next time you loon.
And, bang, you got me!

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