
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

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hole in the ice 7 19 20

on sunday, 7/19/20, a group of people got together in an iguana cafe open mic reunion on zoom, and this is just one of those. Tom Ianniello, seen here performing his song "hole in the ice", has just released a CD by the same title. 10 songs, recorded live at the iguana cafe 7/18/92, available at the following places: Streaming on apple music, spotify, and everywhere else. CDs available on amazon. For a signed copy, send $12 via paypal to exileguy@gmail.com.

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