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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


Sarah Palin TV

by: Josh Kilburn

Breibart reports that Sarah Palin, following through with her vow to go around the “mainstream media’s filter,” launched her own member-supported digital TV channel on Sunday evening.

That’s right; if you didn’t get enough of her on Twitter and Facebook, now you can get your daily dose of Palin by paying for a digital subscription. They pay me to sit through her speeches, I can’t imagine willingly sitting through one, let alone paying for the . . . “pleasure.”

Writing on Facebook, Palin asked her credulous audience: “Tired of media filters? Well, so am I. So, let’s go rogue together and launch our own member-supported channel! This will be OUR channel, for you and for me, and we’ll all get to call it like it is.”

First Paula Deen, now Sarah Palin. Consider this your warning to stay away from subscription-based networks.

Via Breibart:

Palin linked to her channel and a video that welcomes Americans to her “new project” that will allow her to “talk directly” to Americans on her terms.
The channel, which is a part of the TAPP network, has videos, speeches and “Sarah Says” video commentary from Palin. She will also answer questions, chat with subscribers, and provide behind-the-scenes videos of “some of the fun in the Palin household” and “adventures in the great outdoors.” She will also invite and interview various guests as well.
In a “Sarah Says” video that is featured on the site, Palin says the tragic downing of the Malaysian Airlines plane has “shifted the balance of world opinion against Vladimir Putin” since “there is a lot of evidence pointing to pro-Russian separatists” as being responsible for the “thoughtless massacre.” She said that Putin, though, still holds “oil and gas prices over the heads of those” who are dependent on Russia’s resources even as he is trying to distance himself from the separatists. Palin noted that Putin uses his energy resources essentially “as a weapon” against Europeans who are afraid to cross him. Palin said American needed to curb Russian power by developing its own resources and diluting Russia’s. She said America could be a “natural gas exporter” if the government got serious about development.

What happened to the right-wing support for Putin? It’s best we not ask; after all, they were always at war with Eastasia.

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