
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

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And exileguy's attic, for great quality books, coins, and collectibles. And this blog for a little bit of everything.

Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


nothing since july 3rd?

I suppose it would be easy to assume that since nothing has been posted to this blog since July 3rd, that obviously I've either ceased to exist, or have become absolutely apathetic to every damn thing that has happened on this planet, or perhaps I snapped and am now in a mental institution, or maybe the local correctional facility, but none of these are the case, because in reality I'm kind of pissed off about everything around me pretty much all of the time, but what happened is that my pc got a mind of its own and chose to declare its independence on the 4th of July and blew itself up, the fucking piece of shit, and now as I'm saving my pennies for the next machine that will be fucking obolete before I even get to take it out of the box, I'm forced to borrow time on a neighbor's computer, which sucks because the last fucking thing I want to do is interact with the assholes next door, but self-interest intervenes and I'm forced to wear a smile and trudge over and pretend to give a shit about the stupid goddam fucking goldfish bowls that litter the abode, while their dumb-ass kid crawls around the house in a shitty diaper, the mom is whacked out on whatever her shrink is providing to keep her from experiencing reality, and dad is halfway through his nightly 24 pack sputtering nonsense, which is why its taken me this long to post something, and I haven't been able to create any new videos or record any new radio free exile episodes, but you can see that its easier and less painful for me to sit in my kitchen and play my guitar than crawl over to the white trash wonderland next door, and poor me, have I started whining yet, ah the trials and tribulations of a two dimensional cartoon character, but wait there's more, you can still follow the links on this page to see and listen to my work, and can still even buy stuff from the radio free exile super swag emporium, and if you're one of those people who are waiting for an email from me, please give me a fucking break, whatever.

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