
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

Visit exileguy's emporium for great T-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers and more. 1000's of items & designs. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a sampling of the latest additions to the catalog.

And exileguy's attic, for great quality books, coins, and collectibles. And this blog for a little bit of everything.

Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


exileguy dot net

Well, hi kids, it's been a while since I've taken a bit of a break from the daily obsessive posting and uploading and all of the assorted and related things that come with being a two dimensional cartoon character whose always adding content to the www, but now I've returned with some rest, a little energy, and a new web site, which I'm reasonably proud of, and I'd like you to take a look at it of course, I mean, what's the point if nobody sees it, so take a look at the video and be sure to follow the link below...

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