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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


White House nominates Kerlikowske as drug czar

The White House today announced the nomination of Seattle police Chief Gil Kerlikowske as head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, putting him in position to become the nation's so-called drug czar.

With Kerlikowske at his side, Vice President Joseph Biden made the announcement during a ceremony in the Executive Office Building next door to the White House.

"There is no one more qualified to take on this job than the chief," Biden said.

Biden said Kerlikowske would oversee a comprehensive effort to tackle the nation's drug problems, weaving together law enforcement, prevention and treatment programs.

One focus will be the increasingly violent Mexican drug wars, the vice president said.

Kerlikowske, whose nomination is subject to U.S. Senate confirmation, said he would seek to bring a "seamless" approach to drug issues, telling the gathering, "There is much work to be done."

The administration will remove the job's Cabinet designation — reversing an elevation of the office under President George W. Bush — although one administration official said Kerlikowske would have "full access and a direct line to the president and the vice president."

Kerlikowske is widely expected among drug-reform advocates to bring moderate positions to the job, balancing traditional law enforcement efforts against drug trafficking with support for court programs that steer drug users into treatment and tolerance for needle-exchange programs and medical marijuana laws.

Kerlikowske, 59, who has led the Seattle Police Department for more than eight years, told the department's top commanders recently that he expected to leave to take a top federal position.

Mayor Greg Nickels said he will announce the interim chief on Monday. Seattle Deputy Chief John Diaz has emerged as front-runner, according to a City Hall source.

As for finding a permanent replacement, the mayor said he will look for "the best talent out there."

"At the end of the day, it wouldn't surprise me if the best talent out there is from inside the department," Nickels said.

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