
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


a very frustrating day for a podcasting curmudgeon

Well, here it is. I stayed up half the night putting together a new episode of the Radio Free Exile podcast, because its been over a month since I've added a new one, and I felt a bit of a compulsion to get a new one done, since I was away on a mini-vacation and didn't do any work, only now getting back into the groove, and a bit of responsibility to the people who listen regularly and I was pretty well satisfied with the result.

Then when I all ready, and happy, I proceeded to upload the new episode when I discovered that the host site was down for maintenance, they're installing new software to ultimately make my life easier, and I sat here like a dolt as if I were holding an orchid in my hand and no date for the prom, so there is no new episode of Radio Free Exile to listen to.

Of course, this it only frustrating for me because it gives me such a sense of accomplishment when I upload a new show, and do all of my notifications, and check the stats and see that there are people who start listening right away. Not that I think that folks are holding their breath in front of their computers for my emails, but for my own self interest, the bump my ego gets when I've added a few more megs to the www.
So there. Frustrating day. Now I'm the one turning blue in front of the computer, waiting for the techies to get their shit together - I can see them scurrying around like ants trying to get it right, and as soon as they're done fucking around, I'll get that done. And go on to find something else to piss me the fuck off.

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