
Radio Free Exile - something for your head - LPFM radio in Penfield, NY. Indie music, spoken word, and commentary. Submissions to: Radio Free Exile, p.o. box 691, Penfield, NY, 14526.

Visit exileguy's emporium for great T-shirts, mugs, bumper stickers and more. 1000's of items & designs. Scroll to the bottom of this page for a sampling of the latest additions to the catalog.

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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


Thinking in one-liners

Since I started attempting to come up with 'witty' ideas for bumper stickers & t-shirts for my zazzle store, it seems that I can't form a thought beyond eight or ten words. You know, just enough for a bumper sticker. This wouldn't be so bad around the house, but unfortunately doesn't work in public, not that I'm interested in being in public much. I mean, who wants to spend time in a beehive, which is what it seems like to me most of the time. Just crowds of people zipping around, pumping gas, buying groceries, or whatever. Everyone in their own little self-centered bubble, thinking that because THEY are there, that THEY are entitled to some sort of special treatment. At the expense of everyone else, and all fighting to be first in line, so they can finish where they're at, and buzz over to the next hive and start all over again. Everyone trying to win (whatever that might mean) but nobody does. Anyway, so I spend all of my time thinking in one-liners, which only implies thought, because there is no depth, just electro-organic images, that pass by quickly, because there's another three word epic coming up, don't want to lose it, cause it'll be gone, and the momentum will be disrupted, and I'll be back to the beginning. What is this all about? Don't know really, its already too many words for my over-taxed thought process, just a bit of mental feces turned into words.

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