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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


Would-be burglar snagged by a snuggie

A man who was allegedly caught stealing an iPod and a debit card out of a car is captured and tackled by a woman 50 pounds lighter than him. The woman we are told used a wedgie to nab the burglar. It happened Tuesday. Yvonne Morris was working in her office at the Brickyard Animal Hospital, when she noticed a young man walking past her office. A few minutes later she heard a car alarm going off. “So I looked into the parking lot to see where the honking was coming from,” said Morris. She said she saw a man riffling through the car of one of her co-workers. “The person I saw in her front seat was not her,” said Morris who immediately headed out to the parking lot, stopping along the way to tell the receptionist to call police… He ran, she chased, Frederic Baze allegedly slipped on some loose gravel then Morris grabbed his hooded sweatshirt, Baze slipped off the hoodie and kept on running. “I grabbed the back of his pants which in turn ended up to be his under garments,” said Morris. So Baze, according to police, was snagged by a snuggie. Morris admits it maybe was not the best idea in retrospect, “In hindsight, yeah there is probably a lot of things that could have gone wrong but thankfully they didn’t.”

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