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Missouri village legalizes medical marijuana.

A small southwest Missouri village has passed an ordinance to allow the use of medical marijuana.

Mayor Joe Blundell said Cliff Village, with a population of about four dozen, wanted to show grass-roots support for Missouri to legalize medical marijuana as 13 other states have.

"This is symbolism, pure and simple," Blundell told The Kansas City Star for a story published Tuesday. "I would like to be the brave one who grows the first plant, but they've built a lot of cages for the people who stick their necks out."

Cliff Village's ordinance allows someone with a doctor's approval to possess a few ounces of marijuana and grow a few plants.

Cliff Village passed the ordinance on Feb. 1 by a 3-2 vote. The mayor's father was one of the council members to back him.

Columbia passed a similar ordinance in 2004.

Newton County Sheriff Ken Copeland, whose deputies patrol Cliff Village, said he will continue to follow state law that says it's illegal to possess or grow or distribute marijuana.

"My advice would not to be run out and start growing marijuana, or you'll be a guest of mine," he said.

Cliff Village has no employees and levies no taxes. It gets about $1,300 a year in distributions of state fuel taxes for road repairs and $120 to $200 more in cable TV franchise fees.

The 30-year-old mayor said his interest medical marijuana comes from a painful past injury from a train accident that left him in a wheelchair.

"When I got introduced to this flower, it not only alleviated my pain, it got me out gardening," Blundell said. "I'm not just stoning myself out. It allowed me to function."

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