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Don't you think today would be a good day for Donald Trump to resign?


It's Up To Us

Obama really is the president of the United States. Not only was our eight-year national nightmare over; but we now have a leader both worthy of being admired, and cool enough to be on a pop art poster in a hip café.

And we had elected him. Enough people - nearly 70 million of them - for whatever mix of reasons, had risen above ancient selfishness and prejudice to do the right thing.

Not loathing the leader of your nation is a very wonderful thing, especially if you still have some of that old love of country. That doesn't mean we won't disagree with him, or that he won't make mistakes. What it means is that it is our country again.

You may think I have far too rosy a view of Obama, and you may be right. That doesn't matter much. This does: No matter what we think of our new president, there is a mistake it is essential to avoid — expecting him to fix things for us.

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